🎬Started by The Civic Theatre in Nelson, the Kootenay Screen Based Industry Workers group aims to connect people working in all aspects of film, video, tv, and online production. The goal is to support further development of the professional film sector in the Kootenays.
Right now we are in a funding gap as we await the Civic Theatre renovations. We need your help to bridge this gap to help us sustain this program for this community.
If you’ve been a part of the community and have benefitted from its offerings, or just want to see the group grow and flourish, please consider making a donation today.
You can also gift a donation to KSBI via operations@civictheatre.ca
👀Learn more: 🎥 https://mailchi.mp/civictheatre/fuel-local-film-support-the-ksbi-program-today